Mastodon Guitarist Brent Hinds to Appear on Forthcoming Season of 'Game of Thrones'

PT KONTAK PERKASA - During an interview with Jamey Jasta, Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds revealed that he will make an appearance on the seventh season of ‘Games of Thrones.’

Hinds explained: “I just came back from my second cameo Game of Thrones. This time, I had my broken leg and they were like ‘You’re doing the best zombie walk, we want you to come right towards the camera. I want you to drag this axe behind you.’ I’m like a reborn, come to life wildling turning into a White Walker.”

This will be Hinds’ second time on the series as he previously made a cameo on Season Five as a wildling who turned into a White Walker. The band also wrote a ‘Game of Thrones’ inspired song titled, “White Walker,” which you can hear at this location.
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