Top 3 Hearthstone - One Night In Karazhan Cards

PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BANDUNG - One Night In Karazhan is fully available for Hearthstone, and the game has been changed quite a bit. New types of decks have emerged, and the meta has started to shift somewhat towards a more control-heavy style. Which cards are the most interesting, meta-influencing, and viable? Here’s my take on the Karazhan cards you should be playing with.
3) Barnes
If you liked the Old Gods cards before, you’ll love them now, because this guy right here is only good as a result of the Old God Y’Shaarj. His battlecry: summon a 1/1 copy of a random minion in your deck, can allow him to pull even larger minions with Y’Shaarj’s help. Of course, he can also be used for some synergy with Ragnaros. While a deck with Barnes will likely be built around his effects, certain classes, such as Rogue will put him to great use, pulling out huge minions with ease. Best part? He’s in the second wing, so if you’re only in it for Barnes, you only need half the gold.
2) Onyx Bishop
Life’s chess board is a scary place to be, am I right? At least in Hearthstone, you have allies who can hook you up. Namely, the Onyx Bishop. This card is a 5-cost ¾ with a battlecry: Summon a friendly minion that died this game. This card synergizes very well with cards like Barnes. Onyx Bishop and two resurrects can get your board nice and filled with Ragnaros or Injured Blademaster. So the options are nearly endless. This was the card that priest needed.


1) Medivh, The Guardian
This 8-cost 7/7 will change the tide of battle, equipping you with his sacred staff, Atiesh. This staff, which is a ⅓ weapon shouldn’t be used for attacking. Rather, every time you use a spell, it will lose 1 durability and summon a minion of equal cost to your spell. That’s right. You get a significant body on the board, 7/7 worth of stats to be precise. You also get the ability to turn all of your spells into portals essentially. You could land a flamestrike, clearing the board while getting a 7-cost minion. I suppose it makes sense, for him being one of the last cards you get in the adventure. 

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