Battlefield 1: Crucial Multiplayer Tips

PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES BANDUNG - Battlefield 1 is out, so naturally, you have a lot of people playing the game right now, but some newer players of the franchise and even some old ones can get confused, as Battlefield 1 brought some changes that could confuse you at the start, so I've prepared some tips to help you out!
Tip number one:  Make sure to always have one player playing as the Assault Class. The Assault class is always needed to take down vehicles. Tanks are a large problem since they are massive machines of death that can't be stopped by a lot of things. But, the Assault's rocket launcher is an excellent way to destroy any pesky tank that gets in your way!
Tip number two: Support Class' machine guns have negative spread. The thing with these machine guns is that their accuracy increases the longer you fire. This makes the Support Class a great asset in objective control, as they can find a safe place and just focus fire on the enemy with precision while your teammates attack or retreat.
Tip number three: Horses. Horses have a lot of health points, but since players don't know that they usually focus their fire on the horse, which usually gets them killed by the player riding the horse. When you see someone charging at you on a horse, just take out the player, it's much easier than trying to take down his ride of choice.
These three tips will most likely come in handy, especially if you're a newcomer to the Battlefield franchise, so, with your newly acquired knowledge, go out there and make use of it!

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